Scottish NMR Users Group
SNUG Events
SNUG Events Calender
Dec 05, 2017
2017 Edinburgh Postgraduate Course in Liquid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Come and learn about the capability of Liquid State NMR Spectroscopy from staff of the NMR facility and the students who use it at the University of Edinburgh.
Open to postgraduate students and PDRAs from any University and industrial researchers that are interested in using liquid-state NMR in their work. The course is free of charge. The programme can be downloaded here.
This course is compulsory for all new Edinburgh users of the facility.
If you are a current PhD student from a ScotCHEM department/school, ScotCHEM will reimburse reasonable travel and accommodation. Copies of receipts will be required.
If you require funding, please also e-mail to request an expenses claim form.
You can register at this site.
The address is:
University of Edinburgh
Joseph Black Building
David Brewster Road
More information on what NMR is and the NMR facility at University of Edinburgh can be found here.
Sep 21, 2016
NMR workshop for teachers, Inverness
An NMR workshop available for chemistry teachers in the Highlands. The programme involves a refresher on NMR theory followed by training and practice on a benchtop NMR spectrometer. This spectrometer can be borrowed for up to a week for Advanced Higher Projects. Contact for more information.
Sep 04, 2016
NMR for Industry Workshop, Stirling
One day workshop for industrial researchers to learn more about NMR and how it can fit into your business. For more details follow
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