Scottish NMR Users Group
NMR at Edinburgh
The School of Chemistry NMR facility is maintained by three staff members. The facility is equipped to perform solution-phase and HR-MAS measurements. It is set up to perform the most advanced NMR experiments in automation or manual mode. Measurements can be tailored by our expert staff to meet specific requirements of the problem at hand. For more information, click here.
NMR Spectrometers
NMR methodology development
Carbohydrates: structure and conformation
Protein-carbohydrate interactions
Environmental mixtures analysis, e.g. soil, water
Multidimensional NMR of biomolecules
Food/drink chemometric analysis
In situ reaction assembly and monitoring using stop flow NMR
Isotope labelling and synthesis
Benchtop NMR
Specialisation of the facility
The NMR facility contains a preparation laboratory and a computing suite. Data are archived on the server immediately after being recorded, and can be made accessible to external users. The NMR computer suite is equipped to support Bruker Topspin and MestreLab’s Mnova; other NMR-related software packages are also available on request. The Lloyd-Jones lab is a UK centre for mechanistic investigations in organic chemistry and catalysis.
Supporting Infrastructure
Training is available for external users who wish to use the facility in automation or in manual mode. Samples can also be run on any of the spectrometers by our staff.
To enquire about the School of Chemistry NMR facility, contact Juraj Bella.
For more information regarding the stop-flow NMR facility, contact Prof Guy Lloyd Jones.