Scottish NMR Users Group
NMR at EPP Ltd
EPP Ltd is unusual and different from other Contract Research Organisations. We have our own in-house, GLP compliant, NMR facility supported by a dedicated and highly experienced NMR operator with many years’ experience in the field. As a result, we can offer a stand alone NMR service to clients in addition to supporting our other EPP services. For more information on the NMR facility at EPP, click here.
NMR stand alone service (GLP)
Our stand alone NMR service is fully GLP compliant and we can offer a rapid turnaround with spectral assignments if required. We have the capacity to offer long acquisition periods in order to extract NMR data from weak samples.
NMR certified reference standards
Using Quantitative NMR (with use of an internal standard) we have established “Gold Standards” of purity and certification of active ingredients, impurity and metabolite analytical reference standards. This approach can be far superior to other analytical methods. For example, purity assessment by HPLC-UV where different components such as impurities can have different response factors to the UV wavelength used, potentially leading to an inaccurate assignment of purity.
NMR Spectrometers
Specialisation of the facility
Supporting Infrastructure
As the Contract Research Organisation of choice we deliver integrated and specialist services across analytical and screening, research and development, physico-chemical testing and environmental science.
EPP is an OECD GLP compliant facility and our accreditation allows us to conduct a wide array of studies over various types of chemicals (e.g. agrochemicals, veterinary medicines, biocides, etc.)
EPP is SEPA compliant and has strategic partnerships with leading professional bodies including Royal Society of Chemistry and Royal Society of Biology
If you are interested in any aspect of NMR work please contact Dr David Tredgett, EPP's General Manager, to discuss your project in detail.