Scottish NMR Users Group
NMR training, tours & sample measurement
This page is aimed at High School Chemistry teachers who would like to increase their comprehension of NMR, get access to nearby NMR labs either for visits or measurements of samples.
NMR training for teachers
Boost your NMR knowledge by attending a NMR theory and practice workshop. The workshop covers:
What is NMR and how do you obtain a NMR spectrum
What is chemical shift and why do we use it?
Proton NMR chemical shifts, origin and ranges.
Electronegativity and electron withdrawing/donating effects and chemical shift.
Symmetry and number of NMR signals
Integration of NMR spectra: how many protons?
Introduction to proton-proton coupling
Examples of proton-proton coupling
Advanced Higher project examples
This workshop aims to assist teachers with teaching of NMR. As the NMR content in the curriculum has recently increased we offer help to bridge any gaps in understanding.
Workshops last 2-3 hours with optional practical session.
Interested in attending or hosting a workshop? Contact Us for more information.
Benchtop NMR for the classroom
To meet the demands of advanced higher projects we are offering the opportunity to bring NMR to you classroom. In similiar way to Spectroscopy in a Suitcase NMR spectrometers can operate with a touch of a button and bring a hands on practical experienced for students.
If your school is not within easy travel distance to a SNUG NMR facility your staff can be trained on the benchtop NMR and subsequently be able to borrow the kit for up to a week. This is a free service, so please bear in mind that we may ask teachers to arrange drop off/pick up with other schools in your area to minimise courier delivery times.
If you are interested in hosting or attending a training session or would like more information on benchtop NMR, Contact Us.
NMR tours
Visit your local NMR lab. Contact Us to find out how.
Advanced Higher Project Sample Measurement
SNUG members provide free NMR measurement of project samples in their NMR lab.
This can be arranged in two ways:
1. Pupils can come to the NMR labs and make, measure and analyse the samples themselves.
2. Samples can be sent by post for measurement.
In both cases raw data are made available for students to generate and work with their spectra using free NMR software. In addition pdf files are also provided.